Carpet Cleaning Service
The plush carpets at your home can attract a ton of dust mites, germs and bacteria. Even a carpet that is vacuumed regularly might not be safe and healthy for your kids to play on. We have a suite of carpet cleaning services suited to most of the common fabrics of carpets from synthetic non woven fibres to persian rugs.
We use professional carpet cleaning techniques that is custom-suited to your carpet like steam or hot water extraction, carpet shampooing, foam based cleaning and extraction and dry carpet cleaning (dry cleaning of carpets). We also use a combination of these depending on how soiled your carpet is.
Our carpet cleaning machines operate at around 92 degrees centigrade and most bacteria that are harmful to humans are killed at between 63 to 66 degrees. This method also clean out dust mites, pollen, insect body parts, animal fur that has been walked in from outside and any vomit, urine, faeces and other impurities that could be present from pets, children or unwell family members.
It is recommended that you air your carpets for 24 hours following cleaning.